State of Science

Prof. Beisteiner initiated the scientific devolpment of TPS around 2010. The goal was to provide a very first navigated and highly focused ultrasound brain therapy. The special feature of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation TPS is a combination of comprehensive basic research with expertise in clinical brain function and brain imaging. It took less than 10 years to progress from the first basic ideas to the first scientific TPS description (Beisteiner et al., Adv Sci 2019) and clinical approval. The field of ultrasound brain therapies develops very rapidly (Besteiner & Lozano Adv Sci 2020). Scientific publications show an exponential growth, with extension of possible clinical TPS applications.


This page summarizes the current scientific status of TPS therapy. All international research, published after a critical peer review process in recognized scientific journals is listet. The 5 year Impact Factor IF (2022), indicating the scientific quality of a journal, is also given.

I) Basic TPS publications in high quality journals


Beisteiner et al. Advanced Science (IF 16.7): View study as PDF

Comprehensive original description of TPS: includes basic research with models, biological specimens, animals, healthy subjects and the very first international data on safety of ultasound neuromodulation as well as long term effects in Alzheimer’s disease.


Beisteiner & Lozano. Advanced Science (IF 16.7): View study as PDF
First review: new ultrasound brain therapies


Popescu T, Pernet C, Beisteiner R. Alzheimers Dement (IF 4.8): View study as PDF

First description: TPS may reduce brain degradation



Matt E, Kaindl L, Tenk S, Egger A, Kolarova T, Karahasanović N, Amini A,

Arslan A, Sariçiçek K, Weber A, Beisteiner R. J Transl Med. (IF 6.9): View study as PDF

First description: human longterm effects of ultrasound


Matt E, Dörl G, Beisteiner R. Alzheimers Dement (IF 4.8): View study as PDF 

First description: TPS improves mood / depression


Dörl G, Matt E, Beisteiner R. Neurol Ther. (IF 4.3): View study as PDF

First description: functional specificity of TPS


Radjenovic S, Dörl G, Gaal M, Beisteiner R. Brain Sci. (IF 3.4): View study as PDF

First description: safety of ultrasound neuromodulation therapy


Truong DQ, Thomas C, Hampstead BM, Datta A. Neuromodulation (IF 3.3): View Study as PDF

First comparison of differnent ultrasound techniques




Beisteiner R, Hallett M, Lozano AM. Advanced Science (IF 16.7): View study as PDF

First review: ultrasound neuromodulation therapies


Chen X, You J, Ma H, Zhou M, Huang C. CNS Neurosci Ther. (IF 6.2): View study as PDF

First review: TPS therapy Alzheimer’s


Fong TKH, Cheung T, Ngan STJ, Tong K, Lui WYV, Chan WC, Wong CSM, Cheng CPW. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. (IF 5.0): View study as PDF

First description: TPS therapy Mild Cognitive Impairment


Cheung T, Li TMH, Lam JYT, Fong KH, Chiu LY, Ho YS, Tse AC, Li CT, Cheng CP, Beisteiner R. Brain Commun. (IF 4.8): View study as PDF

First description: TPS therapy Autism


Cheung T, Li TMH, Ho YS, Kranz G, Fong KNK, Leung SF, Lam SC, Yeung WF, Lam JYT, Fong KH, Beisteiner R, Xiang YT, Cheng CPW. Int J Environ Res Public Health. (IF 4.8): View study as PDF

First description: TPS therapy Depression


Sarah Osou, Sonja Radjenovic, Lena Bender, Martin Gaal, Anna Zettl, Gregor Dörl, Eva Matt, Roland Beisteiner. J Neurol. (IF 5.6): View study as PDF

First description: Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) in Parkinson’s Disease: A first Retrospective Analysis




Roland Beisteiner, Andres Lozano, Vincenzo Di Lazzaro, Mark S. George, Mark Hallett. Brain Stimulation (IF 8.2) : View publication as PDF

First clinical recommendations from leading international experts in brain stimulation


Eva Matt, Sonja Radjenovic, Michael Mitterwallner, Roland Beisteiner. Frontiers in Neuroscience (IF 3.2) : View publication as PDF

Updated Overview of ultrasound neuromodulation therapy


Teris Cheung, Benjamin K. Yee, Bolton Chau, Joyce Yuen Ting Lam, Kwan Hin Fong, Herman Lo, Tim Man Ho Li, Albert Martin Li, Lei Sun, Roland Beisteiner, Calvin Pak Wing Cheng, Frontiers of Neurology (IF 2.7) : View study as PDF

First description: TPS therapy Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder


Lars Wojtecki, Celine Cont, Natalie Stute, Anastasia Galli, Christina Schulte, Carlos Trenado. GeroScience (IF 5.3) : View study as PDF

Investigation of EEG changes after a single TPS treatment session


II) Other TPS publications:



Beisteiner R, Lozano A. Brain Stimul. (IF 8.3): View study as PDF

Short overview: New ultrasound brain-therapy




Cheung T, Ho YS, Fong KH, Lam YTJ, Li MH, Tse AC, Li CT, Cheng CP, Beisteiner R. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Int J Environ Res Public Health. (IF 4.8): View study as PDF

Suggestion of study protocol


Beisteiner R, Hallett M. Clin Neurophysiol. (IF 4.5): View Study as PDF

Short description: TPS therapy


Cont C, Stute N, Galli A, Schulte C, Logmin K, Trenado C, Wojtecki L. Front Neurol. (IF 3.9): View study as PDF

Retrospective analysis TPS therapy Alzheimer’s


Cheung T, Ho YS, Yeung JW, Leung SF, Fong KNK, Fong T, Kranz GS, Beisteiner R, Cheng CPW. Front Neurol. (IF 3.9): View study as PDF

Suggestion of study protocol


Beisteiner R. Brain Sci. (IF 3.4): View study as PDF

Short review: ultrasound neuromodulation therapy




Cheung T, Chau B, Fong KH, Lam JYT, Lo H, Li MH, Li AMMC, Beisteiner R, Lei S, Yee BK, Cheng CPW. Front Neurol. (IF 3.9): View study as PDF

Suggestion of study protocol


Fernández-Castaño R, Fernández-Blázquez MÁ, Echevarría Fernández I, Cabrera-Freitag M, Freitag K. Curr Alzheimer Res. (IF 3.3): View study as PDF

Review: TPS therapy Alzheimer’s


III) Literature details:


1.) Beisteiner R, Matt E, Fan C, Baldysiak H, Schönfeld M, Philippi Novak T,

Amini A, Aslan T, Reinecke R, Lehrner J, Weber A, Reime U, Goldenstedt C,

Marlinghaus E, Hallett M, Lohse-Busch H. Transcranial Pulse Stimulation with

Ultrasound in Alzheimer’s Disease-A New Navigated Focal Brain Therapy. Adv Sci

(Weinh). 2019 Dec 23;7(3):1902583. doi: 10.1002/advs.201902583.


2.) Beisteiner R, Lozano A. Treating the brain at the speed of sound. Brain Stimul. 2020 Jul-Aug;13(4):1087-1088.

3.) Beisteiner R, Lozano AM. Transcranial Ultrasound Innovations Ready for Broad Clinical Application. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2020 Oct 27;7(23):2002026. doi: 10.1002/advs.202002026. PMID: 33304757; PMCID: PMC7709976.


4.) Popescu T, Pernet C, Beisteiner R. Transcranial ultrasound pulse stimulation

reduces cortical atrophy in Alzheimer’s patients: A follow-up study. Alzheimers

Dement (N Y). 2021 Feb 25;7(1):e12121. doi: 10.1002/trc2.12121.


5.) Beisteiner R. Human Ultrasound Neuromodulation: State of the Art. Brain Sci. 2022 Feb 1;12(2):208.


6.) Beisteiner R, Hallett M. Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS): – A highly

focused brain stimulation therapy with 3D navigation. Clin Neurophysiol. 2022 Apr;136:247-248. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2022.01.127. Epub 2022 Jan 31.


7.) Cheung T, Ho YS, Fong KH, Lam YTJ, Li MH, Tse AC, Li CT, Cheng CP, Beisteiner R. Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation on Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Double-Blinded, Randomized, Sham-Controlled Trial Protocol. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Nov 24;19(23):15614.


8.) Cheung T, Ho YS, Yeung JW, Leung SF, Fong KNK, Fong T, Kranz GS, Beisteiner R, Cheng CPW. Effects of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS): on Young Adults With Symptom of Depression: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial Protocol. Front Neurol. 2022 Mar 25;13:861214. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.861214.


9.) Cont C, Stute N, Galli A, Schulte C, Logmin K, Trenado C, Wojtecki L.

Retrospective real-world pilot data on transcranial pulse stimulation in mild to

severe Alzheimer’s patients. Front Neurol. 2022 Sep 14;13:948204. doi:10.3389/fneur.2022.948204.


10.) Dörl G, Matt E, Beisteiner R. Functional Specificity of TPS Brain

Stimulation Effects in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Follow-up fMRI

Analysis. Neurol Ther. 2022 Sep;11(3):1391-1398. doi:

10.1007/s40120-022-00362-8. Epub 2022 May 28.


11.) Matt E, Dörl G, Beisteiner R. Transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS): improves

depression in AD patients on state-of-the-art treatment. Alzheimers Dement (N

Y). 2022 Feb 10;8(1):e12245. doi: 10.1002/trc2.12245.


12.) Matt E, Kaindl L, Tenk S, Egger A, Kolarova T, Karahasanović N, Amini A,

Arslan A, Sariçiçek K, Weber A, Beisteiner R. First evidence of long-term

effects of transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS): on the human brain. J Transl

Med. 2022 Jan 15;20(1):26. doi: 10.1186/s12967-021-03222-5.


13.) Radjenovic S, Dörl G, Gaal M, Beisteiner R. Safety of Clinical Ultrasound Neuromodulation. Brain Sci. 2022 Sep 22;12(10):1277. doi:10.3390/brainsci12101277.


14.) Truong DQ, Thomas C, Hampstead BM, Datta A. Comparison of Transcranial

Focused Ultrasound and Transcranial Pulse Stimulation for Neuromodulation: A

Computational Study. Neuromodulation. 2022 Jun;25(4):606-613. doi:

10.1016/j.neurom.2021.12.012. Epub 2022 Feb 4.


15.) Beisteiner R, Hallett M, Lozano AM. Ultrasound Neuromodulation as a New Brain Therapy. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2023 May;10(14):e2205634. doi: 10.1002/advs.202205634. Epub 2023 Mar 24. PMID: 36961104; PMCID: PMC10190662.


16.) Chen X, You J, Ma H, Zhou M, Huang C. Transcranial pulse stimulation in Alzheimer’s disease. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2023 Jul 20. doi: 10.1111/cns.14372. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37469252.


17.) Cheung T, Chau B, Fong KH, Lam JYT, Lo H, Li MH, Li AMMC, Beisteiner R, Lei S, Yee BK, Cheng CPW. Evaluating the efficacy and safety of transcranial pulse stimulation on adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Study protocol of a pilot randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial. Front Neurol. 2023 Mar 28;14:1076086. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2023.1076086. PMID: 37056363; PMCID: PMC10086174.


18.) Cheung T, Li TMH, Lam JYT, Fong KH, Chiu LY, Ho YS, Tse AC, Li CT, Cheng CP, Beisteiner R. Effects of transcranial pulse stimulation on autism spectrum disorder: a double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled trial. Brain Commun. 2023 Aug 18;5(5):fcad226. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcad226. PMID: 37701816; PMCID: PMC10493640.


19.) Cheung T, Li TMH, Ho YS, Kranz G, Fong KNK, Leung SF, Lam SC, Yeung WF, Lam JYT, Fong KH, Beisteiner R, Xiang YT, Cheng CPW. Effects of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS): on Adults with Symptoms of Depression-A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Jan 28;20(3):2333. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20032333. PMID: 36767702; PMCID: PMC9915638.


20.) Fernández-Castaño R, Fernández-Blázquez MÁ, Echevarría Fernández I, Cabrera-Freitag M, Freitag K. Effect of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation for the Treatment of Alzheimer´s Disease and its Related Symptoms. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2023;20(4):244-249. doi: 10.2174/1567205020666230727102025. PMID: 37497687.


21.) Fong TKH, Cheung T, Ngan STJ, Tong K, Lui WYV, Chan WC, Wong CSM, Cheng CPW. Transcranial pulse stimulation in the treatment of mild neurocognitive disorders. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2023 Aug 21. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51882. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37607114.


22.) Osou, S., Radjenovic, S., Bender, L. et al. Novel ultrasound neuromodulation therapy with transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS) in Parkinson’s disease: a first retrospective analysis. J Neurol (2023).