Transcranial pulse stimulation with ultrasound

New promising procedure by Prof. Roland Beisteiner (Medical University of Vienna) for enhancing brain performance (approved for Alzheimer’s disease). It is important to have the procedure administered by brain specialists experienced in brain functional diagnostics (fMRI) and the treatment of brain diseases. TPS is highly complex and is continuously evolving through clinical and scientific development led by Prof. Beisteiner. After more than 10 years of development, the Prof. Beisteiner Development Center holds the most treatment experience worldwide.


News on the state of science and a list of relevant studies can be found here.

First clinical recommendations from leading international experts in brain stimulation can be found here.

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Tel: +43 681 20671146




TPS Therapy and Development Center Prof. Dr. Roland Beisteiner
Ordinationszentrum Wiener Privatklinik
Lazarettgasse 25, 1. Stock
A-1090 Wien


The TPS Therapy and Development Center Vienna is the internationally leading TPS center for innovative additional treatment of network diseases of the brain. Since around 2010, Prof. Beisteiner (Medical University Vienna) has been developing a concept for non-invasive, highly targeted brain stimulation based on ultrasound. The therapy concept is highly complex and requires specialist neuroscientific knowledge. Each patient must be treated individually – each patient and each brain is different.

A safe and efficient application of this therapy requires extensive neuroscientific diagnosis. With a correct application, the treatment is well tolerable. While TPS is not effective for all patients, the majority of patients who received TPS for dementia, Parkinson’s, neurodegeneration, stroke rehabilitation and depression at the Vienna TPS Development Center have shown treatment response. Possible application for other diseases is currently being investigated at the Medical University of Vienna.

Revolutionary therapeutic approach

The therapeutic approach developed in Vienna around 2010 is characterized by individual analysis of the diseased brain and highly targeted stimulation of precisely defined brain areas.

Well-founded specialist knowledge

Correct and risk-free application of the highly complex therapy requires specialized neuroscientific knowledge – every patient and every brain is different.

Add-on procedure

Other therapies can be continued. TPS therapy represents as an additional treatment option.

Prof. Dr. Beisteiner and his team of experts from the Medical University of Vienna

Individual therapy concept

Dr. Beisteiner creates an individual neuroscientific therapy concept for each patient based on the latest results of his research group.

Safe use

Due to his special knowledge and proven scientific expertise, a safe and stress-free application of the therapy is guaranteed.

Comprehensive care

From comprehensive preliminary clarification and an initial consultation about the therapy to the assessment of success: Prof. Dr. Beisteiner accompanies all phases of the treatment with the appropriate care and empathy.


State of TPS research

Since the first description in 2019, numerous research papers on the possibilities of TPS therapy have been published by the Medical University of Vienna. Due to the attractiveness of the new therapy concept, Prof. Beisteiner is regularly invited to TPS lectures by leading universities and scientific organizations. More and more clinical and scientific institutions around the world are trying to implement the promising Viennese therapy concepts. For professional application, specialized neuroscientific knowledge is essential. Although research is still in its early stages, and the extent of placebo effects is not yet precisely known, the team led by Professor Beisteiner has already achieved successes in dementia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, depression, as well as the reduction of brain degeneration processes. They have partially documented these achievements in scientifically prestigious journals.



What is TPS?

  • Transcranial Pulse Stimulation TPS is the world’s first clinical brain activation therapy based on ultrasound. The basic idea was developed by Prof. Beisteiner (Medical University of Vienna) around 2010. After extensive concept development and as head of an international research consortium, a first therapy system for brain function specialists was developed and in 2017 Prof. Beisteiner introduced the term Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) for this. It is a brain activation that can be used in addition to existing brain therapies to improve brain function. The procedure is currently one of the most complex non-invasive brain therapies and requires a high level of expertise in the field of clinical brain function analysis (e.g. using functional MRI) for safe and efficient use. A professional application enables potential functional improvements for brain diseases that respond well to neuroplastic reorganization. These include dementia, Parkinson’s, neurodegeneration, stroke rehabilitation, depression and Long-Covid deficits. Further diseases are being investigated.


What do TPS prospects have to consider?

  • TPS is a novel, highly complex brain therapy and requires specialized expertise in functional brain analysis. The foundational idea, which has been developed since around 2010 by Prof. Beisteiner, was a precision therapy individually tailored for every patient. This requires the detection of minuscule pathologic changes in the brain, which is typically only possible with special magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations. Brain activation has to be precisely analyzed for every individual patient. The stimulation of pathologically overactive brain areas has to be absolutely avoided. These abnormal changes as well as pathologically overactive brain areas may differ in their location between individual patients.

Is TPS reliable?

  • Over the last 10 years of TPS development, the scientific consortium under the head of Prof. Beisteiner has put a special focus on clinical safety. A professional application that excludes relevant areas of abnormal brain changes, as well as detects pathologically overactive brain areas, guarantees the treatment to be safe and well tolerable.

For which diseases can TPS be used?

  • TPS is clinically certified as treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease (CE Certificate)
  • Improvements in brain function are also expected in other forms of dementia, Parkinson’s, neurodegeneration, stroke rehabilitation and depression
  • At the Medical University of Vienna, Prof. Beisteiner investigates application for other neurological disorders that respond to neuroplastic reorganization.
  • The application for disorders outside of clinical certification is only possible under special safety considerations and based on current scientific investigation.

Where does the therapy take place?

  • All treatments take place at Lazarettgasse 25, 1090 Vienna, in the Ordinationsyentrum, 1st floor, room 33
  • The (for safety reasons) necessary and individual magnetic resonance examination take place in the same building, on the upper level.

What are the contraindications?

Potentially dangerous situations are assessed individually for each patient based on the latest research findings. Important points are:

    • Blood clotting disorder (also due to taking strong blood thinners/anticoagulants)
    • Additional pathological brain changes (e.g. micropathologies with a tendency to bleed, tumors, vascular diseases)
    • Recent major head injury
    • Permanent cortisone medication

What findings are required for the initial analysis by Prof. Beisteiner?

For safety reasons and to assess possible effectiveness, a comprehensive medical analysis of findings must be carried out before the therapy is approved:

  • MRI findings
  • Doctor’s letter from your neurologist, including medical history and all exact diagnoses
  • Current drug list
  • Current short doctor’s letter from the general practitioner with all other diagnoses and previous illnesses
  • Any other findings that you consider relevant

What improvements can be expected?

  • Improvements in cognitive and motor deficits have been well documented at the Vienna TPS Center for Therapy and Development. The effects are still varying and cannot be individually predicted. The extent of a placebo effect is still unknown. For a professional documentation of the therapeutic response, every patient undergoes clinically approved tests. On this basis, the majority of patients show improvements after individually optimized treatment protocols. Besides cognition and motor skills, improvements have also been documented for mood, attention and daily activity at the TPS Center for Therapy and Development.

Why do clinical tests have to be done before and after therapy?

  • Special clinical tests are necessary so that Prof. Beisteiner can give serious advice on the effects of TPS therapy and any consequences. Any repetitions of therapy must also be planned individually according to the clinical picture and the response to therapy. In the 10 years of development work, a high-quality battery of clinical tests was worked out which is put together according to the individual needs of the patient and can also be carried out externally.

What is the general flow of a stimulation session?

  • You sit in a comfortable treatment chair and are fitted with special navigation glasses. It is necessary to be able to keep your head as still as possible and look straight ahead for about half an hour.
  • During the treatment itself, parts of the head are moistened with a harmless ultrasound gel that can be washed out without leaving any residue. This can be completely removed in a clinic bathroom immediately after the treatment. Towels, shampoo, comb or brush and a hair dryer are provided.

Are there any side effects?

  • TPS at the Vienna TPS Center for Development has been well tolerated due to the individually optimized treatment concept and prior extensive medical examinations. Small and local pressure or other sensations at the head areas where TPS is being applied are possible. In rare cases, light and transient headaches can occur.
  • The TPS brain activation can lead to increased fatigue in some patients in the short term, which corresponds to the effects of the therapy.
  • No relevant medical problems have been documented after TPS application by the functional brain experts at the Vienna TPS Center for Development.
  • Adequate daily fluid intake should be ensured during the treatment cycle



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The transcranial pulse simulation and Prof. Dr. Beisteiner are the content of numerous press and media reports. A selection of articles and videos can be found here.